The 4DH Strategic Research Centre, the RE-INVEST project and Aalborg University invited researchers and experts from industry and businesses to the 3rd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4thGeneration District Heating. This year’s conference took place from 12-13 September 2017 in Copenhagen.
The aim of the conference was to present and discuss scientific findings and industrial experiences related to the subject of Smart Energy Systems based on renewable energy and future 4th Generation District Heating Technologies and Systems (4GDH).
Conference film from the 3rd International Conference on SES4DH 2017
Opening speech by Professor Henrik Lund at the 3rd International Conference on SES4DH 2017
Keynote presentation by Prof. Brian Vad Mathiesen at the 3rd International Conference on SES4DH 2017
Keynote presentation by Eva Hoos from DG ENERGY at the 3rd International Conference on SES4DH 2017
Keynote presentation by Professor Sven Werner at the 3rd International Conference on SES4DH 2017
Mads Hagh from NIRAS A/S at the 3rd International Conference on SES4DH 2017
Winner of the Best Presentation Award at the at the 3rd International Conference on SES4DH 2017
Keynote presentation by Morten Abildgaard at the 3rd International Conference on SES4DH 2017
Presentation by Steen Schelle Jensen, Kamstrup, at the 3rd International Conference on SES4DH 2017
Session keynote and co-chair: Erik O. Ahlgren: A system view on carbon impacts of future heating
Bernd WindholzBernd Windholz: Application of heat pumps in the district heating network of Vienna
Renaldi Renaldi: Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Modelling in Energy Systems Optimisation
Hrvoje Dorotić: An hourly based optimization model of district heating system with building retrofit with the time horizon of one year, case study of Velika Gorica
Kristina Lygnerud: Risk assessment for industrial heat recovery in district heating systems
Andra Blumberga: Future Buildings as Prosumers Integrated into DH Systems
Asad Ashfaq: Hydraulic control model for the implementation of LTDH in existing boiler based buildings (presentation not available)
Session keynote and co-chair: Dagnija Blumberga: Solar collectors versus solar panels in DH
Danica Djuric Ilic: Searching for new roles for district heating in a sustainable society
Goran Krajacic: Status and perspectives of district heating systems in Eastern Europe
Zikun Wang: Heat pumps in the UK’s district heating: individual, district level, both or neither?
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