Technical Tour 9 September: Power-to-X – Navigating the Practical Challenges in Hydrogen and Methanol Production
Facing climate change and the urgent demand for sustainable energy solutions, we stand on the brink of a green energy revolution. Power-to-X offers a path forward, yet with this new horizon come practical challenges that we cannot overlook. Among the most prominent are the production of hydrogen and methanol – key components in this transition. How do we navigate these challenges to unlock the potential of Power-to-X? Port of Aalborg and Aalborg University have set up a CCUS-Hub demonstration testsite for the whole PtX value chain. The demonstration site includes various necessary technical units from grid or RE production of high-voltage power supply, storage solutions, electrolyser production of H2, CO2 connections and supply, methanol production and more. The tour includes a presentation at the Port of Aalborg and a visit to the CCUS Hub.
Time and venue:
9 September 2024 at 14:30 CEST: Bus departure from AKKC, Europa Plads 4, DK-9000 Aalborg (conference venue)
14:30: Bus departure from AKKC
15:00-15:10: Port of Aalborg
15:10-16:10: CCUS Hub Presentation: Power-to-X – Navigating the Practical Challenges in Hydrogen and Methanol Production by Ass. Prof. Simon Lennert Sahlin, AAU Energy
16:10-17:00: Visit to CCUS Hub – Q&A
17:00-17:30: Bus return to AKKC (Passing by the Siemens Wind turbine blade factory)
Tour ends at approx. 17:30.
475 DKK (approx. 64 EUR incl. VAT)
Practical information:
Limited seats available. Registration is binding.
Technical Tour 12 September: Aalborg Portland Cement factory goes for Carbon Capture solutions
Aalborg Portland is committed to reducing CO2 emissions per ton of cement by 30% by 2030. At the factory, more visions and missions have resulted in an ambitious action plan with an innovative approach, and the target is to reach up to 73% in CO2 reduction in total in 2030. One innovative approach to the reduction target is to set up a large demonstration and pilot carbon capture plant facility to the production emmisions. The tour includes a presentation on how the factory will capture 400.000 t of CO2/year and a visit to the latest Carbon Capture installed unit at the factory.
Time and venue:
12 September 2024 at 8:30 CEST: Bus departure from AKKC, Europa Plads 4, DK-9000 Aalborg (conference venue).
08:30 : Bus departure from AKKC
09:00: Arrival at Aalborg Portland
09:10-10:10: CCS Presentation: Aalborg Portland Cement factory goes for Carbon Capture solutions.
10:10-11:00: Visit to CCS unit
11:00-11:30: Bus return to AKKC.
Tour ends at approx. 11:30
475 DKK (approx. 64 EUR incl. VAT)
Practical information:
Limited seats available. Registration is binding.