On 25-26 August 2015, the 4DH Research Centre hosted the International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating in Copenhagen, Denmark. The conference applied to everyone with an interest in energy systems and district heating and cooling. Based on the Call of abstracts, 4DH received more than 70 interesting contributions to both industrial and scientific presentations. Presentations involved subjects such as Smart Energy Systems; Future district heating production and systems; Energy planning and planning tools; Low-temperature district heating grids; Low-temperature district heating and buildings, and Organisation, ownership and institutions.
1st International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating 2015
Henrik Lund, Introduction at the 1st International Conference on SES4DH 2015
Session keynote Erik Ahlgren: Assessing impacts of a regional collaboration on large-scale excess heat utilization
Jean Duquette: Assessing the Impact of Wave Energy Integration in a Remote Canadian Community Equipped With a District Energy Grid
Amru R. Razani: Genetic algorithm Technique to optimize the configuration of heat storage in DH Network
Benedetto Nastasi: Hydrogen to link Heat and Electricity in transition stage to Future Smart Energy Systems
Session keynote Leif Gustavsson: Renewable-based heat supply of multi-apartment buildings with varied heat demands
David Maya-Drysdale: Matching heat demand with heat supply resources in district heating systems
Dražen Balić: District heating as the thermal storage – support to the power system with potential for a higher integration of RES
Oddgeir Gudmundsson: Cost of District Heating and Individual Heating Technologies
Veronika Wilk: River water heat pumps for district heat supply in large cities in Austria: Study of potential and techno-economic optimization
Session keynote Bernd Möller: A Pan-European Thermal Atlas of Potentials, Costs and System Properties
Ekaterina E. Iakimetc: Heat supply planning in the conditions of development of energy-efficient technologies in construction
Lars Grundahl: Comparison of heat atlas results with real-world measurements
Romain S.C. Lambert: Optimal multi-stage district heat expansion planning with real options
Session keynote Markus Köfinger: Low temperature district heating micro-networks in Austria: comparison of four case studies
DHC+ SA Winner Wiet Mazairac: Integrated Modeling and Simulation of Electricity, Gas and Heat Networks Underlying a Sustainable City Infrastructure
Edgars Vigants: Low return temperature impact to DH system efficiency. Case study
Maksym Kotenko: Minimization of losses in low temperature district heating
Session keynote Anders Dyrelund: The District Energy System – a cost effective virtual electricity storage
DHC+ SA Winner S. Paardekooper: Optimal heat pump use in European cities
Kasper Qvist: Ultra Low-Temperature District Heating With 35 °C Supply Temperature
Best Presentation Award winner, PhD category, Dorte S. Larsen: Possibilities and costs of preparing existing Danish single family houses from the 1930s for space heating with low-temperature district heating
Session keynote D. Blumberga: Legislative analysis for the 4th generation district heating in Latvia. Riga case
Søren Djørup: Public Regulation of District Heating Companies in a Smart Energy System
Kirsten Hasberg: Development of an open heating platform – The case of Hamburg
Sara Fritz: The impact of policies in the building sector influence the economic feasibility of district heating
DHC+ SA Winner S. Provatas: An online machine learning algorithm for heat load forecasting in District Heating systems
Session keynote Anders B. Hansen: Energy system integration with efficient use of high temperature excess heat
Damien Casetta: Dynamic Modelling of a District Cooling Network with Modelica
Christoffer Lythcke-Jørgensen: A method for designing flexible multi-generation plants
Jakob Z. Thellufsen: Multiple Energy System Analysis of Smart Energy Systems
Jørgen Boldt: Demonstration of 4DH solutions in a large city development area
Session keynote Ingo Weidlich: Challenges in smart energy transport using trenchless technology
Goran Krajačić: Contributing global CO2 mitigation by utilisation of food industry heat into smart Croatian DHS via Total Site heat recovery
Oliver Martin-Du Pan: Heat Losses in District Heating Systems and Heat Meters
Kenneth Hansen: Comparing heat supply to heat savings with a levelised costs approach and an energy system approach
Paweł Gilski: Influence of stray currents on district heating pipelines failure rate
Session keynote Sven Werner: European cooling demands
Stefan Petrović: Ringkøbing-Skjern energy atlas for analysis of heat saving potentials in building stock
Fanni Sáfián: Is there room for renewables in 2030? – analysing the effects of a new nuclear power plant in Hungary
Richard Büchele: Comprehensive assessment of the potential for the application of high-efficiency cogeneration and efficient district heating and cooling
Session keynote Johan Desmedt: The role and potential of distributed thermal energy storage systems for active control of district heating networks
Lisa Brand: Prosumers in District Heating networks – problems and possibilities
Barbara Fricke: 100% renewable municipal energy supply: Chances and restrictions of solar thermal district heating
Magdalena Berberich: Solar-CHP – development of multifunctional systems combining CHP with solar thermal plant
Natalia Kabalina: Exergy analysis of polygeneration DHC system based on the gasification of RDF
Session keynote Goran Krajačić: Reducing CO2 emissions and increasing the integration of renewables through the utilization of smart district heating system in the City of Velika Gorica
Matteo G. Prina: Smart energy systems applied at urban level: the case of the municipality of Bressanone-Brixen
Leif Gustavsson: Effects of energy efficiency measures in buildings on different types of district heating systems
Gunnar Lennermo: Decentralised heat generation in district heating systems
Jacek Kalina: Advanced hybrid and combined small-scale thermal energy conversion systems for efficient use of locally available resources
Session keynote Ralf-R. Schmidt: Feasibility of micro-DH networks in scattered urban areas using local sources: analyses of technical and non-technical barriers of a case study
Paul Booij: Integrated planning, design and operation of 4th generation district heating and cooling networks
Weiming Xiong: Case study of the constraints and potential contributions regarding wind curtailment in Northeast China
Tomislav Novosel: Heat demand mapping and the utilization of district heating in energy systems with a high share of renewables: Case study for the city of Osijek
Session keynote Justin NW. Chiu: Economic Assessment of Industrial Surplus Heat Transportation
Peter Sorknæs: The transition of small-scale CHP into market-based smart energy systems
Tim Farrell: District Energy in Cities: Unlocking the Potential of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Johan Desmedt: The H2020 STORM project: Self-organising thermal resource management as future intelligent control of district heating and cooling networks
Dietmar Schüwer: The potential of heat and grid orientated block CHP on the minute reserve market and its impacts on CO2 emissions – prospects for the German energy market
Session keynote and Best Presentation Award winner, senior category, Urban Persson: Current and future prospects for heat recovery from waste in European district heating systems: A literature and data review
Dominik Bothe: Thermo-hydraulic simulation of district heating networks
Jelena Ziemele: System dynamics model analysis of pathway to 4th generation district heating systems in the Baltic States
Charlotte Marguerite: Selection of design scenarios for an industrial waste heat based micro-district heating network supplying low-energy buildings
Rasmus Lund: Mapping of potential heat sources for large heat pumps in Denmark
Session keynote Jan Eric Thorsen: Thermal length of heat exchangers for the next generation of DH substations
Marek Brand: District heating substation with electric booster supplied by 40°C warm district heating water
Christian Engel: Highly prefabricated, tailor made District Heating and Cooling networks
Xiaochen Yang: Analysis of individual heating unit for domestic hot water production in multi-storey buildings with low temperature district heating
José C. Flores: Conceptual Study of the Integration of Decentralized Solar Heat Generation to a Low-Temperature District Heating Network via Substation Net-Metering
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